Our trip back East was a success. The drive back across the U.S. was in a lot of ways more scenic than the drive out. Saw Mount Rushmore, which was just as lackluster as we thought it would be, but we were only 40 miles away so we went. Saw the Crazyhorse monument in progress (you know, the monument that should have been erected before 4 white mens faces were chiseled into Native American land). Went through Yellowstone (which was absolutely breathtaking), and saw tons of bison, wolves, bears, elk, rams, etc. I, of course, dropped my camera and broke it about a mile into the park. Montana and Wyoming were the most beautiful states Ive been to. I could have easily pulled over every 50 feet to take a picture. Saw the Badlands from afar, which looked amazing and really wish we would have had time to drive through them. Stopped in Pittsburgh to do a quick walk-through of the Andy Warhol museum, which was neat. Something Todd had always wanted to see.
Soooo. We have now been on the East Coast since September 7th. In Virginia. Remember when we were supposed to have been in our apartment in NYC by mid-September? Yeah. Me too. That whole situation is extremely annoying and way too complicated to get into, but as of right now we have no date set as to when we are moving in. First it was supposed to be September, then it was pushed to the first week of October, then to the second week, and now we have no idea. We had a free month of storage with our moving company (our things were only supposed to be in storage for a couple of weeks let me remind you), but that expired October 1st so now we are paying for every day that our stuff stays in the storage unit. Awesome! Cant afford to look for a different place either, because by moving into a friends apartment, we are able o bypass the ridiculous amount of money you typically have to pay up front to secure an apartment, when we already are having to shell out a cool 4 G's to get our furniture shipped to us. I know Im being a whiny turd, I am just so ready to be back in our city together, have our life back and to find a decent job- this sister is in dire need of a paycheck! Also P.S. Being in Virginia (aka Fox News Land USA) longer than a few days is a true test of sanity, and as of lately, I have been failing that test miserably. Whhhheeewwwww. Love my family but dont love the South.
On the extremely bright and happy side of things though, I am officially *drumroll*... engaged!!!!!!!!! Thats right folks, Todd officially lost his marbles and asked me to marry him on a recent weekend trip to New York. He apparently searched for months and months to find me the perfect ring, and the perfect ring he found. Very modern and sleek, highest quality cut of diamond there is, platinum band. Oh and its a freaking Tiffany ring. What in the... It really is so, so pretty. Todd is such a little stinker. And hes all mine. Muwaaaahaha. The love of my life and I are engaged. Love it. No plans have been made yet, as we are waiting until our lives are back in order and we arent guest-bedroom surfing and living out of suitcases. A huge thank you to all the wishes we have received, the dinners people have made/taken us out to, etc. We are so grateful to have such loving people in our lives.
Now, onto my "homework" that the lovely Adrienne assigned me weeks and weeks ago that I just now came across...
1. What is your favorite/worst/most embarrassing (take your pick) memory from high school?
Oh lord. My whole experience was embarrassing and/or crappy. I tried to fit in for a bit and tried to dress like everyone else in hopes that I would be accepted. Didnt really work too well. People didnt hate me, I was just invisible. Then the summer of my 16th birthday, I decided that trying to be like everyone else was ridiculous and I didnt like 99% of the people at my school anyway, so I rebelled a little bit. I cut my long hair off and dyed it pink. You can probably imagine what kind of clothing I started wearing, and the awful accessories that went along with them. I felt so cool at the time though- in a world of American Eagle and Abercrombie, I freed myself. Looking back, I know I looked like an idiot. Whatevs.
2. What is your favorite thing to do when you have "me time?"
I like to people watch a lot. With a good cup of coffee. I also like to watch shitty tv shows. Going to the gym is nice too, because I can get lost in my thoughts and get a workout in at the same time.
3. What gets you through a crazy, stressful time/day?
Oh lord. I often have to vent, even if its only to myself (like a crazy person), because if I keep things bottled up inside I feel like Im going to explode. I have to tell myself to just breathe though. Its only temporary. Todd also helps when Im feeling stressed out. Hes great at making me laugh. Biscuit is pretty fantastic to have around too, because who can be annoyed at things when you gaze into that insanely precious, wrinkly face?
4. What's your favorite indulgence?
Chocolate. Scratch that, anything sweet. I have a terrible sweet tooth.
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Intolerance of other races and religions makes me absolutely disgusted. That is all.
In other news, Im moving one week from today. However, I wont actually be back in New York City until sometime in October. I hope I can tolerate being in Virginia for that long.
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Monday, June 21, 2010
Why am I always so tired? I can literally wake up after a good nights sleep and feel like I need to take a nap within a couple of hours. Its not like I live an unhealthy lifestyle or anything. Maybe this little bout of depression Ive been battling for the last year has something to do with it. I remember back in high school I went through a horrible depression and basically slept the days away then as well. Todd has complained of feeling energyless too though. Perhaps lack of stimulation and boredom is making us feel this way. I guess Ive never experienced boredom to this extent before. All I know is that I just havent felt healthy in a while. We will see if anything changes when we leave here- fingers crossed, because I cant afford for it to be something more.
Despite my constant exhaustion, I still manage to get my butt to the gym to do some cardio and light weights 5 or 6 times a week. I really have no excuse though being that its only 2 floors down. I never thought I would enjoy working out so much. Its become part of my daily routine, so much so that if I skip a day I feel really guilty. I absolutely have to join a gym in New York, because I cant imagine not working out now. Any suggestions as to some decent ones that arent ridiculously expensive, let me know.
The weather forecast is currently happening in the other room. So far Ive heard the meteorologist say that hes predicting July to be wet and cool, the upcoming week is going to be gray and rainy, hes said that theres only been 4 days of sunshine since April 1st, and he isnt too confident that the few months of dry, sunny summer will even occur this year... to which I say, suck it Oregon.
Anyway, despite my hatred, there is one little bright spot here that I absolutely adore- Dovetail Bakery, a quaint little coffeeshop/vegan bakery about 15 minutes away from us. We all know Im not vegan or even vegetarian but I do find myself eating that way fairly often. However when it comes to baked goods, I find it difficult to find vegan things that dont come with that well, vegan flavor, because typically in baked goods the eggs, milk, and butter are a must. Now I dont know what kind of magic theyre working in the kitchen over there, but good lord. Im pretty sure Morgan (the owner) is a vegan fairy sent down from heaven, and everything she touches turns into a delicious treat. Maybe she is paying homage to the Dave Chappelle Show and sprinkling some crack on everything or something. I mean its kind of ridiculous how dare I say, "buttery" and perfect the chocolate chip cookies are, or how moist and spongey the banana & fig muffin is. Their stuff is a little bit expensive, but for those days you want to splurge (both financially and gastronomically), its a must even for those opposed to vegan stuff. And for the record, when Heidi is out here for that one day in July, you better believe Im taking her there.
Alright, Im gonna go take a nap. Just kidding.
Despite my constant exhaustion, I still manage to get my butt to the gym to do some cardio and light weights 5 or 6 times a week. I really have no excuse though being that its only 2 floors down. I never thought I would enjoy working out so much. Its become part of my daily routine, so much so that if I skip a day I feel really guilty. I absolutely have to join a gym in New York, because I cant imagine not working out now. Any suggestions as to some decent ones that arent ridiculously expensive, let me know.
The weather forecast is currently happening in the other room. So far Ive heard the meteorologist say that hes predicting July to be wet and cool, the upcoming week is going to be gray and rainy, hes said that theres only been 4 days of sunshine since April 1st, and he isnt too confident that the few months of dry, sunny summer will even occur this year... to which I say, suck it Oregon.
Anyway, despite my hatred, there is one little bright spot here that I absolutely adore- Dovetail Bakery, a quaint little coffeeshop/vegan bakery about 15 minutes away from us. We all know Im not vegan or even vegetarian but I do find myself eating that way fairly often. However when it comes to baked goods, I find it difficult to find vegan things that dont come with that well, vegan flavor, because typically in baked goods the eggs, milk, and butter are a must. Now I dont know what kind of magic theyre working in the kitchen over there, but good lord. Im pretty sure Morgan (the owner) is a vegan fairy sent down from heaven, and everything she touches turns into a delicious treat. Maybe she is paying homage to the Dave Chappelle Show and sprinkling some crack on everything or something. I mean its kind of ridiculous how dare I say, "buttery" and perfect the chocolate chip cookies are, or how moist and spongey the banana & fig muffin is. Their stuff is a little bit expensive, but for those days you want to splurge (both financially and gastronomically), its a must even for those opposed to vegan stuff. And for the record, when Heidi is out here for that one day in July, you better believe Im taking her there.
Alright, Im gonna go take a nap. Just kidding.
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Oh hey there.
Things have been slow around here, and its still been raining a ton. As a matter of fact, Portland has been setting records for the rain. Because obviously it couldnt have set good records for the stint that we have spent here.
My brother recently paid a visit for 4 days. A much needed visit to say the least, as I feel like Ive been going a little crazy with no family or friends. We had a great time seeing him, and hanging out with him always seems to involve some decadent French wines, awesome food, and above all, barrels of laughs. My brother has always been one of the most important people in my life and pretty much my best friend, ever since I was a kid. I remember growing up when people would ask me who my idol was, and I would always say Clarke. I have him to thank for so much, including introducing me to many of the bands I still listen to today at a young age. Two of the best shows I have ever been to have been with him- The Chameleons in DC when I was a teen (incredible, and Mark Burgess's voice is still as awesome as it was in the 80s), and My Bloody Valentine in NYC a couple of years back (hands down, best show I have ever experienced). We have about a million inside jokes, some of which we have had for years and we still get weak on. He will always lend an ear if ever I need to talk about anything thats bothering me. He always has something new and exciting to share, be it a new place to eat, a new record... He truly is an awesome human, and I am (and always will be) proud to be his little sis. Thank you Clarke, for everything, and I cant wait to be a mere subway ride away from a hangout again.
So one of the places we ate at while Clarke was here, was a place called Le Pigeon. If ever you find yourself in Portland (which lets hope you dont, but if you do) this would be on the top of the list of places to eat. But those afraid to experience new and somewhat "weird" foods beware- this place may not be for you. For me though, Im not afraid to try anything once- how will you ever know if you like something if you dont at least try it? Anyway, we sat at the bar to eat, because the bar is actually an open kitchen so you can chit chat with and watch chef Gabriel Rucker (who was featured in Food and Wine a couple of years back, and nominated for a James Beard for Rising Star of the Year last year) prepare some fairly "foodie" yet beautifully unpretentious dishes. Really awesome and friendly guy by the way and extremely talented for such a young chef. Everything one might find gross on the menu we ordered, and everything we ordered was absolutely delicious. If you didnt tell anyone what it was they were eating, Im fairly positive everyone would happily scarf it down. While sitting at the bar, there was a guy dining alone to our left, who we ended up talking to throughout our meal. In the middle of munching on some appetizers, I was half listening to Todd talking to him about New York. Apparently the guy spent a lot of time hanging out there back in the day because he had some family there or something and blah blah blah. Then all of a sudden guy then started going into a rant about how New York nowadays was "done" and how its "all rich people now". That is when the record in my head came to a screeching halt. New York City... DONE? Did he really just say that? Yes, yes he did. Well thats news to me. Did New York suddenly stop being 3 steps ahead of everywhere else in the United States? Did it suddenly stop being home to many of the great chefs, designers, and artists of today? Did people all over the world stop trying to move there in order to make something of themselves or live a more exciting and fulfilling life? As far as everyone there being rich, yes there are rich people who live there (and in every other state, even your beloved Portland), but every single person I know who lives there are pretty far from even being well off. In all seriousness though you semi-balding new-age hippie, those days youre sitting at home being bored out of your gourd, Ill be back in the Big Apple with endless possibilities of things to do, because you know, New York is so done and all.............
11 weeks to go, bitches.
My brother recently paid a visit for 4 days. A much needed visit to say the least, as I feel like Ive been going a little crazy with no family or friends. We had a great time seeing him, and hanging out with him always seems to involve some decadent French wines, awesome food, and above all, barrels of laughs. My brother has always been one of the most important people in my life and pretty much my best friend, ever since I was a kid. I remember growing up when people would ask me who my idol was, and I would always say Clarke. I have him to thank for so much, including introducing me to many of the bands I still listen to today at a young age. Two of the best shows I have ever been to have been with him- The Chameleons in DC when I was a teen (incredible, and Mark Burgess's voice is still as awesome as it was in the 80s), and My Bloody Valentine in NYC a couple of years back (hands down, best show I have ever experienced). We have about a million inside jokes, some of which we have had for years and we still get weak on. He will always lend an ear if ever I need to talk about anything thats bothering me. He always has something new and exciting to share, be it a new place to eat, a new record... He truly is an awesome human, and I am (and always will be) proud to be his little sis. Thank you Clarke, for everything, and I cant wait to be a mere subway ride away from a hangout again.
So one of the places we ate at while Clarke was here, was a place called Le Pigeon. If ever you find yourself in Portland (which lets hope you dont, but if you do) this would be on the top of the list of places to eat. But those afraid to experience new and somewhat "weird" foods beware- this place may not be for you. For me though, Im not afraid to try anything once- how will you ever know if you like something if you dont at least try it? Anyway, we sat at the bar to eat, because the bar is actually an open kitchen so you can chit chat with and watch chef Gabriel Rucker (who was featured in Food and Wine a couple of years back, and nominated for a James Beard for Rising Star of the Year last year) prepare some fairly "foodie" yet beautifully unpretentious dishes. Really awesome and friendly guy by the way and extremely talented for such a young chef. Everything one might find gross on the menu we ordered, and everything we ordered was absolutely delicious. If you didnt tell anyone what it was they were eating, Im fairly positive everyone would happily scarf it down. While sitting at the bar, there was a guy dining alone to our left, who we ended up talking to throughout our meal. In the middle of munching on some appetizers, I was half listening to Todd talking to him about New York. Apparently the guy spent a lot of time hanging out there back in the day because he had some family there or something and blah blah blah. Then all of a sudden guy then started going into a rant about how New York nowadays was "done" and how its "all rich people now". That is when the record in my head came to a screeching halt. New York City... DONE? Did he really just say that? Yes, yes he did. Well thats news to me. Did New York suddenly stop being 3 steps ahead of everywhere else in the United States? Did it suddenly stop being home to many of the great chefs, designers, and artists of today? Did people all over the world stop trying to move there in order to make something of themselves or live a more exciting and fulfilling life? As far as everyone there being rich, yes there are rich people who live there (and in every other state, even your beloved Portland), but every single person I know who lives there are pretty far from even being well off. In all seriousness though you semi-balding new-age hippie, those days youre sitting at home being bored out of your gourd, Ill be back in the Big Apple with endless possibilities of things to do, because you know, New York is so done and all.............
11 weeks to go, bitches.
Friday, April 23, 2010
Free at last, free at last...
4 more months of an absolute mind numbingly boring life. 4 more months of living in a town that is polar opposite of who we are and everything we enjoy. 4 more months until we move back to New York City. The countdown is on, and I couldnt feel more relieved.
If its one thing we have learned, its never ever move somewhere without visiting it first- numerous times and in long enough increments to really get a feel for what its like. Especially once you have lived in New York. Everything will seem really horribly "less than" after being in a city where anything and everything is at your fingertips at any given time. I truly believe you have to be 100% ready to leave and be prepared to live a different lifestyle. We of course, found that out the hard way.
I just cant wait to feel alive again. I cant wait to aimless cruise the sidewalks with no particular place to go, yet feel completely content doing so. I cant wait to experience culture again, and see all walks of life coexisting together. I cant wait to see all of our friends we left behind, and be close enough to my family that I can take the bus down. Cant wait.
Yes I know and remember that there are things that are completely annoying about NYC, and I know those things will quickly come rushing back to me soon after get get back. But on this extremely long 14 month long haitus, Ive learned that at this point in my life, I will happily accept those annoying things rather than live anywhere else.
Come ooooooooonnnnnnnnn August 31!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Hello 2010.
What has been going on in my life since my last post? Not a whole lot.
I recently quit my job, which was an enormous weight lifted off of my back. I work part time for the company Todd works for now as an artist advocate and soon to be more than that. I get to work from home which is nice. In the upcoming weeks I will take on more responsibility, which Im very much looking forward to. If all goes well I am hoping this a job I can stick with. Its nice doing something different for a change, working for a company I enjoy, and work for a boss I have complete respect for and really like as a person.
Last month I took a trip home in the beginning of December. I visited family in Virginia for 5 days, which was so nice getting to see everyone. I miss everyone more than they ever could imagine. I then took a bus up to NYC to visit my brother Clarke, which just proved even more to me that NY is where I really do belong. Walking down crowded streets, eating at incredible restaurants, navigating the subway, perusing through MoMA, drinking delicious French wines at my brothers while looking at Manhattans twinkling lights through his Brooklyn brownstone apartment- I truly felt in my element. I even went to walk around my old stomping grounds in Park Slope, and took a stroll past my old apartment. It felt right. Like home. It was such a great visit back. I needed it. Leaving was hard, and I broke down in tears as I was packing up my stuff and telling my brother goodbye.

Portland continues to prove to Todd and I that its not the place for us. We find ourselves so utterly bored all of the time. As Ive said before, its an attractive "city" (more like small town with oodles and oodles of suburbs), just no personality or culture. Todd says he spent all of his life trying to leave Virginia Beach and he feels like hes moved back, only this time with no family and friends. I agree whole heartedly. We both wish we had visited here before we decided to move, because we never would have left Brooklyn. Ive somewhat fallen into a depression, which I try to fight off everyday. Most days Id rather stay in bed, but obviously thats not the healthy thing to do, so I dont. If it wasnt for Todd and his love and his making me laugh all of the time, I would be one pathetic biotch. One good thing though thats has come out of us being here, is that we have had a little more money to enjoy. Todd was able to purchase a vintage Eames Lounge, which hes been dying for for years now. We have bought some amazing artwork, recently that of Roy Lichtenstein , which should get getting here in a couple of days. We also recently bought a Wii to help ward off the boredom, which has been fun battling each other in games since we both get super competitive.
I know I need to stop dwelling on being here. I tell myself that daily. I know being here is potentially setting Todd up with financial stability in the future, which is huge. We both want out of here, and we are definitely peacing out as soon as Todd feels like Ryz is strong enough for him to help run from another coast. So I know there is a light at the end of the tunnel. I just hope that its not a long tunnel. I hope everything we moved out here for pans out and I hope Todd achieves the huge success he so much deserves.
In other news, it snowed here last week. Definitely out of the ordinary for here. It was really pretty, but melted within a couple of hours of it falling.

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