What has been going on in my life since my last post? Not a whole lot.
I recently quit my job, which was an enormous weight lifted off of my back. I work part time for the company Todd works for now as an artist advocate and soon to be more than that. I get to work from home which is nice. In the upcoming weeks I will take on more responsibility, which Im very much looking forward to. If all goes well I am hoping this a job I can stick with. Its nice doing something different for a change, working for a company I enjoy, and work for a boss I have complete respect for and really like as a person.
Last month I took a trip home in the beginning of December. I visited family in Virginia for 5 days, which was so nice getting to see everyone. I miss everyone more than they ever could imagine. I then took a bus up to NYC to visit my brother Clarke, which just proved even more to me that NY is where I really do belong. Walking down crowded streets, eating at incredible restaurants, navigating the subway, perusing through MoMA, drinking delicious French wines at my brothers while looking at Manhattans twinkling lights through his Brooklyn brownstone apartment- I truly felt in my element. I even went to walk around my old stomping grounds in Park Slope, and took a stroll past my old apartment. It felt right. Like home. It was such a great visit back. I needed it. Leaving was hard, and I broke down in tears as I was packing up my stuff and telling my brother goodbye.

Portland continues to prove to Todd and I that its not the place for us. We find ourselves so utterly bored all of the time. As Ive said before, its an attractive "city" (more like small town with oodles and oodles of suburbs), just no personality or culture. Todd says he spent all of his life trying to leave Virginia Beach and he feels like hes moved back, only this time with no family and friends. I agree whole heartedly. We both wish we had visited here before we decided to move, because we never would have left Brooklyn. Ive somewhat fallen into a depression, which I try to fight off everyday. Most days Id rather stay in bed, but obviously thats not the healthy thing to do, so I dont. If it wasnt for Todd and his love and his making me laugh all of the time, I would be one pathetic biotch. One good thing though thats has come out of us being here, is that we have had a little more money to enjoy. Todd was able to purchase a vintage Eames Lounge, which hes been dying for for years now. We have bought some amazing artwork, recently that of Roy Lichtenstein , which should get getting here in a couple of days. We also recently bought a Wii to help ward off the boredom, which has been fun battling each other in games since we both get super competitive.
I know I need to stop dwelling on being here. I tell myself that daily. I know being here is potentially setting Todd up with financial stability in the future, which is huge. We both want out of here, and we are definitely peacing out as soon as Todd feels like Ryz is strong enough for him to help run from another coast. So I know there is a light at the end of the tunnel. I just hope that its not a long tunnel. I hope everything we moved out here for pans out and I hope Todd achieves the huge success he so much deserves.
In other news, it snowed here last week. Definitely out of the ordinary for here. It was really pretty, but melted within a couple of hours of it falling.

"The grass is always greener". You know, it still sucks here from time to time, but just try to enjoy what you can out there, because NYC will be here as you left it when you are able to come back. Either way, NYC and your friends in it miss you, so get back here so we can take some trips again.
Aww! :( Don't be depressed doll face! Think of it as an adventure and just keep remembering that it's not permanent. And...it could always be worse! You could be in Iowa!
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