This past Saturday around 6:30 pm, Todd and I decided our day off kinda sucked so we decided to make the best of the remainder of the evening and took a little road trip out to Spirit Mountain Casino. Talk about the middle of nowhere!Its on an Indian reservation so theres really nothing around it for miles. I had never been to a casino before, but uponarrival it was pretty much what I had expected- lots of hillbilly people who probably shouldnt be gambling their money based on looking at them, lots of cigarette smoke, lots of noise, and lots of slot machines. But oh what fun we had! We had a set amount of money we were okay with spending and possibley not getting back, found our way to the non-smoking section, and off to the slot machines we went. We played for a few hours, wasted almost all of the money we had taken out, and then within 5 minutes of each other both won a substantial amount and won back almost all of the money we had spent. Content with our lucky streak, we called it a night. In all honesty it was probably one of the more exciting things we have done since we got here.

Speaking of being here... I dont think we plan on being in Portland for too long. While he loves his job, Todd isnt happy here. And we ALL know Im not happy here (haha)! Todd said if he would have visited out here first, he probably would never have moved. "I liked Virginia Beach better than I like it here" he once said. Daaaaaaaamn. Once he has the company where it needs to be, everything is running smoothly, and he feels as though he can once again work remotely, we plan to move back to the Big Apple. So its not a question of if anymore, just when. (Please let it be by the time our lease is up next August!)
So I got my flights booked home for December. Im going in a couple of weeks actually. 2 weeks from this coming Sunday. I wanted to use my Jet Blue credits before they expired (on December 1st), so I figured an early December flight home was the way to go. That way I can still see my family in the Christmas season, but not have to pay 600 dollars. I think with the credit I ended up paying 200 for the flight. Not bad at all. Im planning on spending 4 full days in Richmond, then taking the Chinatown bus up to spend a couple of days with my brother since I have no idea when I will get to see him again, and he couldnt make it down the week Im going to be home. As much as Id like it to be a longer trip and get to see all my NYC friends, I dont know what I will have time. Its kind of stressful to think about all of the family in different areas I have to squeeze in such a small amount of time, and I dont know that its going to be the most relaxing trip home, but I am so super excited to see everyone. Once I come back I plan to get a tree put up for Todd and I and look forward to my measly two days off of work (I KNOW, RIGHT) for Christmas to spend with my sweet man.
In other news, Ive gotten way too addicted to Big Love and look forward to watching an episode every night. At this rate I will definitely be done with all of the previous seasons in time for the new season to starts in January. My love for Dexter has basically completely diminished after this current season however. I dont even look forward to watching it anymore, although I do just to see what happens (or doesnt so it seems). Unless I get left with a huge cliff hanger at the end of this season, I probably wont watch it anymore. Sorry Dexter, youre real cute and all but I think its over between us.
And just so I end with a photo....

Holy hell. I'm bombrading your visit with your brother with my presence. You won't be able to stop me. No but for real - glad you are blogging more. Sounds like you guys have a plan to move back that may actually work. Awesome
hahaha. Miss you guys a lot! This week is really busy at work for me, but if youre around on Sunday I may give you a ring. Its time for a catch up! :]
Sunday is perfect! Holla at me boo. :)
Hey - I went to AC this past weekend. I was obsessed with the Wheel of Fortune slot machine and I noticed Todd in the picture playing the same one! Too funny! But - atleast you won $$. I lost all mine!
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