The rainy season of Portland had started to fall upon us. Sunny days are coming fewer and further between. Its only a matter of time until we are house ridden. Summer weather here was amazing. I think it only rained once or twice that I can remember. 80 degrees, bright, sunny, and no humidity every single day. Thats how the weather is here though. Beautiful summers and grim winters. So which is worse- a subzero winter or a rainy winter? I guess Ill be able to make that call by spring. For now Ill assume both suck just as bad.
Todd and I saw Where the Wild Things are on Saturday. We loved it. Visually its a kids movie, but the emotions and situations are a little too deep for kids to understand, which made it appeal more for adults. I loved that there were no CGI effects used in creating the creatures so everything looked so tangible and real, and aesthetically made the movie look more believable. I loved the book as a kid and Im glad Spike Jonze and co. were able to it keep its magic as a movie.

One more day off and then back to work. Im already starting to look for a new job because unfortunately 4 weeks into this one, and Im beginning to notice control-freak-micro-management Ive dealt with at previous jobs that I refuse to put up with again. Not going to make the same mistakes as before and deal with it forever- proactivity is my new middle name.
Drinking coffee and staying inside on the rest of this drizzly day. Organic beef stew simmering, ready for Todd when he gets home from work. Time to go hang out with Biscuit.
I am going to see that movie on Friday night with Curtis and another couple. Can't wait! I'll let you know what I think of it. I saw an interview of the author talking about how he thought Spike Lee handled his movie and he really said some awesome things. I like that it's not a cutesy kids movie. I bet it wins an Oscar. Gosh - listen to me. I'm loving this movie and I haven't even seen it yet!
Also, love that you made organic beef stew. Where's the photo? Take one next time.
Lastly, I LOVE that you are blogging more. It's awesome! Keep it up!
Yayy Im happy youre gonna go see it. Its rare that we go out to see movies in the theater but I think this one was worth seeing :)
I know I know! I totally forgot to take the photo of it.
And I mostly started blogging again per your request many moons ago. Its just a good way to cue family in on life too.
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