Months have gone by and so much has changed. Im on the opposite coast. Away from all of my family, all of my friends, away from all things familiar. In a few weeks it will mark 4 months since Todd and I arrived here in Portland.
Leaving New York felt great at first. The last few months there were filled with one slap in the face after another. Its something that had to happen. We simply couldnt afford to live there anymore and we were so ready for something different.
Now, nearly 4 months later, Im having deep feelings of regret. The whole time I lived there, I loved to hate on it. I kick myself for the fact that I didnt let myself enjoy it more, and utilize the city for all that its worth. Maybe it took me coming to a less exciting city to wake up and realize what I had was great, or maybe I knew it all along but I was too bullheaded to realize it. Portland is a great city, dont get me wrong. Its beautiful, its clean, the people here are the friendliest people Ive ever met. But what it lacks, is everything that made me most happy in New York. Music, culture, art, fashion, friends, closeness to family. Living here has made me feel so utterly disconnected from these things.
Had I come here directly from Richmond, maybe it would feel a little more exciting to me. But trying to order a pizza (which by the way is the only food in the whole city that delivers) at 8:05, and being told that they stop delivering at 8 is just ridiculous. True story, by the way. I miss the feeling of a city being alive at all hours of the night- walking out my door at 11 pm to walk Biscuit around the block, and hearing more than a train humming off in the distance.
I am thankful though, that being here has allowed me to get back in touch with nature. Todd and I have had a nice time exploring the gorgeous undeveloped areas in Oregon, and Im pretty positive Biscuit has enjoyed that as well. We have gone to the coast a couple of times (which is way prettier than the beaches on the East Coast), explored some streams in the mountains, driven up to Mount St Helens and Mount Hood, visited the numerous waterfalls in the area, enjoyed the scenic drive through the Columbia River Gorge...
From here on out I am going to try to think more positive. Maybe I can try to look at this as a very long vacation. I dont think its forever. I should just try to enjoy what Portland does have to offer. Enjoy the relaxed atmosphere, enjoy Stumptown coffee, enjoy our ridiculously nice apartment, because one day who knows, we may just decide return to that city Ive been holding so close to my heart- NY.