Whats new whats new. The whole thing at work, I dont even feel like blogging about. Ive done enough complaining about it in the past 2 days, so its over and out of my system. Christmas is in exactly 2 weeks and I absolutely cannot wait to get away for a week and see all of the family. Todds been sick (unfortunately for the second time in recent weeks), and has done more coughing and loogie spitting than I have ever seen a human do. Tis the season! Umm, what else. The upstairs neighbors are out of town, which means we have been sleeping sound since Oliver, otherwise known as "Damian" (a la the Omen), hasnt been running around upstairs at 7:00 every morning. Weather has been pretty nutty, being that it has been 60 degrees the past 2 days. But you know, being that this is New York, both days were rainy and overcast. Naturally.
So anyway, I was thinking, how come everytime Im on the train and I smell someones raunchy b.o. I always assume its the ugliest, most bobo looking person on the train? And how come if I smell a wicked fart while on the morning commute, I look around and figure that its obviously the fat greasy dude eating a McGriddle and pounding a Vente Frappucino? Could have been the model that squeeked it out, thinking no one would think it was her. Sad thing is, shes right.

I deleted my other comment because I can't spell. You DEFINITELY need to come over Saturday and bake. You need some Xmas spirit!
That's why I just put pictures. Because I can't spell, use proper grammar, or keep up!
Or you could move into 380 square feet then you can blog and see Todd nomatter where you are in the apartment! FUN!
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