I cant believe that in 2 weeks Im going to be gearing up to leave for the Bahamas. The thought of having to put a swimsuit on is making me terrified. Last time I wore one was a few years ago when I was still an avid bike rider and in really good shape. Looks like Im going to be spending my vacation in a wetsuit if something doesnt change!
Nothing really to update on. This past weekend Kurt and Heidi had us over for dinner. Heidi made delicious creamy cauliflower and potato soup (vegan to boot!), and yummy polenta with mushrooms and spinach. I really wish I enjoyed cooking but I just dont, especially because the thought of cooking after being at work for 10 hours isnt very appealing.
Speaking of work, my schedule has been really great lately. I work Wednesday through Saturday for 10 hours each day, then have 3 days off in a row. Granted I am thoroughly exhausted by the time Saturday night rolls around, but busting my ass for a few extra hours each day in order to have an extra day off is worth it to me. I know the schedule isnt permanent, but for now its pretty sweet.
So the other day I overheard something that kind of irked me while picking up some groceries in Union Market. (For those that dont know, Union Market is a really small grocery store chain based only in Brooklyn that sells organic and all natural foods, free range meats, etc.). A woman was dragging her kid all around the store, and then stormed her way to the exit loudly mumbling "I dont like stores like this, you cant find anything normal!". Normal? What did she mean by normal? Just because the store sells only foods that contain no weird fillers, no preservatives, no weird hormones in the meats etc, certainly doesnt mean the food is not "normal". If anything, its the most normal food you can get being that its all natural. It just bugged me because I know a lot people dont want to stray away from the trusted brands you can find in any grocery store, but if people would just be open minded to trying these foods out, they would realize that they not only taste just as good, but benefit your health in the long run.
Tomorrow is my birthday. Im celebrating it by working. Ha. At least my boss is letting me leave a few hours early though.